Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Journey Continues: Entry #26.1

Well it's been a few weeks since Helios came home and I have been busy busy busy! making him all kinds of new things!

Another new thing is the title of the blog entries, they will now be the Journey Continues along with the subsequent original post number + a point number to indicate post home coming events. #26.1 in this posts case.

Mocha has been adjusting to Helios well and the two seem to get along, she hasn't tried to chew on him yet, except for his socks... apparent even doll socks are magnetic to kittens. O_o
 This is the toga outfit I made for him, I'd been planning this for months, probably since I had ordered him, it came out looking fantastic! I'm very pleased. :)

In this pic I made a few things, the Hat, the Vest and
Argyle socks... I just like to say that... Arrrrgyle. Hehe!

Here is a better picture of the vest.
The material was a pain in the butt to use, the edges just had a fun time fraying all over the place and I had to "adjust" the seams once finished because they popped open in 3 spots! Ack! It still came out looking good even after I had to fix it.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Journey: Entry #25

 Well... the day has arrived! After Stalking him via UPS through 5 states, and only one of which that I have been too, Helios is home! It is a not to carefully planed coincidence that his arrival post matches the date. Once I seen that it would I did make sure to save post #25 for today. The Completion of his Journey Home.
 I purchased him through Denver Doll Emporium, it was the only way I'd ever be able to afford one of these dolls. In this pic we see the newspaper land fill he came packed in.
 Upon removal of the paper we see his wonderfully blue, Bobobie box! :D
 The fluffy Golden bag! Just as fluffy and golden as his personality and his hair will be :D
 Fresh out of the box close up of his face!
 The obligatory, shameless, mitten clad, mummy pic!
 Words need not be said here...
 A close up of his face fresh out of the bag, he has blue eyes but will soon have gloriously green eyes!
 And here he is! Helios in his hand made welcome home PJ's!
 His face is so awesome
 A closer pic of his face! The hat is hand made too! :D
 A different angel. Me and my best friend took our dolls to starbucks or what would be Helios's very first outing! I was so thrilled!
 "But but wait... I just got out of the box..."
I just had to make this meme! All I can say is I am thoroughly enjoying meeting my doll for the first time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Journey: Entry #24

I'm Tracking Helios across the united states! At the time of this post he is in route from Earth City, MO.
I'm having fun with it and trying to predict what city he'll scan in next. His next two options are Memphis, TN or Louisville, KY. Being that he needs to come south my money is on Memphis, but he's been traveling on a highway from Denver thus far and Louisville is next in line. But I'll choose one for the giggles of it.

Next Predicted Scan - Memphis, TN.
Actual Scan -Atlanta GA (wow)


Well... It would seem Helios grew wings and flew! I certainly did not expect him to have hopped a plain. Or he very well could have been on the road with a lead foot maniac behind the wheel. O_o (Mental image of a bug shit crazy, UPS driver muahahaing down the highway driving a huge truck)
He should be in Florida by tomorrow morning! I'm Figuring hes back on the ground now so he should be hopping on a truck and cruising down 75, if hes going 75 the next scan should be Gainesville! He may even be in on the 24th O_O! Le Gasp!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Journey: Entry #23

OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!! I just got the Shipping confirmation and tracking number for Helios!!! He's on his way home!!!!!!! I cant begin to express how excited I am to meet him!!!! :D Helios should arrive in all of his glory on the 25th!! n_n

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Journey: Entry #22

Still patiently waiting for Helios, Ive taken to learning how to Crochet which is working out very well. I was able to Crochet a hat from some of the online instructions I found. I was proud of me for getting over my fear of numbers.

In other better news I think my boyfriend is starting to warm up to the idea of the doll, he's starting to come up with ideas of things for me to make it which makes me happy, considering he's maintained his "its just a big barbie" stance for a while. You can see the argument of which in the picture featured left.

Yeah... sorry my "ken doll" is going to have balls. No seriously, he has legitimate testicles and a penis. The dolls are anatomically correct. I know, huge shocker to find out men have dangley parts down there and women's breasts have nipples, right? You mean we don't have built in perma-undeware? Mind officially blown. XD

But honestly... that barbie... is it not the most misshapen thing you've ever set eyes on? I'm kinda freaked out that I had one like that now... eesh.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Journey: Entry #21

Ok, ok I know its only been 5 days since I got that little message from Bobobie but its killing me not knowing where my doll is! ::takes a deep breath through nose:: I will be calm though... I will chillax and be patient... I... will... resist the urge to ask where my doll is... I know its coming soon... GAH!!! The suspense is killing me!!!! In other news I manages to crochet a pair of scarves for mine and my friends dolls, I have one hat made and will work on a second soon... probably tomorrow... Or may start tonight... we'll see. :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Journey: Entry #20

So I got a bug up my butt to e-mail Bobobie directly about Denver Dolls missing Apollos, and this is what I get!! :D
Hi Lisa,
We will ship some dolls to DDE tomorrow.  Your light tan Apollo is in the shipment.  The dolls will arrive at DDE next week.
Thanks and Best Regards!
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!! I might just get him in time for the convention!! Squee!!!